A3 sketchbook

Tuesday 24th April 2012

    I had a little tutuorial with Danielle, to reflect on which part of my book I need to improve. Then I discusted how I can now move my work forward to make it more interesting to me and the viewer.
    I made a simple plan in my book of the next few weeks, to record when I have deadlines. The tutorial ws very useful as it has helped me greatly to move forward also she showed our textiles group a few new textile tecniques we can interpuret in to our work.
    All the feedback from my tutorial, and things I need to do in my book to improve it.
To do:
-Look at photographers
-Speak to Steve the tecnician for advise on photographers
- Text ways which represent me
- Develop images:
     -Stitch                -Collage              -Tearing
     -Bleech              -Paint                   -Material
-Ask Richard on help about self portrait artist which may help or inspire me.
-Bring everything in together sum things up to come to the conclusion for my FMP.

Here is a little list of things I'd like to do and ideas which I had, which I may bring in to work at a later stage.
Would like to do;
-Set of three canvas's of memories
-Etching and/or lino printing
-Printing on fabric and then work in to it the photo.
-Fabric inks
-Then conclude and combined everything
- Photo collage of certain Memories
    -Leaving school scrapbook and photos
    -My 18th
    -My hoiilday abroad with my friend (Laura)
    -Duke of Edinburgh

 The photo below is a photocopy of the original to make it black and white only. Then I got Danielle to transfer the image on to assotate, for me to use on a over head projector. When I had the assotate on the overhead projector it distorted the photo a really good effect.  So I put somesort of medium on the paper and start painting, tearing, inking, bleeching exploring several types of media. To form the photo on to a large scale, and work into it with a variety of textile tecniques. I tried it on wallpaper, tissue paper and sugar paper. Now I'm going to work with tecniques to experiment and find out which ones look best and soot my subject matter. I really enjoyed the process and would like to include it in too my work.

Some of the enlargements I did from the acetate from my other photo of my self were really good here are some photos of them.
This was my one on a wallpaper it gave the best results as the wallpaper soaked up the ink i used and win you it has really good texture.

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