A3 sketchbook

Wednesday 2nd May 2012

    As my screen prints didn't really come out very clear as on some of the prints on brown paper i put too much ink on to it came out blotchy and as there was too much ink it just ran so it was a bubbly block of ink with out a picture. But on material it needed more ink applied as the material soaks up the ink, so i used them both and applied them together to make them both more interesting by putting them together as one. As there was too images on my screen print I had to cover one up or i print both, I maskin taped paper to the other image but when i took the paper off it had a very colourful and detailed print, so the print which i wasn't printing didn't come out very well but the only one which was an accident come out really well. with some fabric painting and some experimenting Astarte i made a very appealing meaning piece of work in my work, which came out really well.

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