A3 sketchbook

Tuesday 8th May 2012

      I have had a very good productive day, i worked with screen printing with a photo of me at college. I wasn't too sure about the techniques, it didn't exciting enough, so to use the same technique but in a different way i started using a plain screen and placing it on top of a layer of material then a layer of lace for the pattern then printed it. After that I have printed myself over the took so it wasn't just plain material. I then experimented and tried mono printed by writing words on to the material, but the way the mono print works is that the writing shows up backwards. But instead of seeing that as a bad thing I thought  it was great it was something different and unique to my work.
    I really liked the process and the outcomes so far, so to get more ideas and inspiration I looked in magazines of artists which work with material, which then go on to making garments and clothing to represent them selves.
So the artist I found in magazines are;
-Reem Alasadi
-Paddy Hartley
-Alison Willoughby
-Junky Styling
        www. junkystyling.co.uk
these artists do a similar technique in their work and its all to do with themselves, I would like a final outcome similar to that but my own unique twist on to it.

The ideas I got from looking at these artists are as follows;
- Customising a piece of clothing for example a hoodie (which i wear alot) and develop it so its all about me and my memories.
- Make a large piece of samples of my memories, then develop it in to a garment, for example a dress
-A make a very detailed and memorable runner to hang down the back of my exhibition board. So it looks  very similar to wallpaper but its fabric.
- Have call my piece of work in a room the wrong way round then as you look in a mirror it all looks right, so the viewer has to stop and think about my work so it draws people in just like, if you look at an ambulance van the writing is the wrong way to hen your driving and you look in a mirror its the right way round because of the reflection.
Here are some photographs of the samples I have been experimenting with all day.

                                                                                    This sample was my testing new media's out on, I used some circle meshing and ink over it to get the circular effect in the background with a plain screen. Then used the photo of myself and printed it over the top. I was then trying out mono printing by writing on the fabric. But i found out as i took it off the ink, that were I had touch the material with my hands or fingers it showed up so it dint work very well. But now on my next ones I new that so I didn't make the same mistake.

This was my next sample I inked over a Croatia material to get the pattern on the plain material, again print using a plain screen. I think this one came out really well, its got very pastel colours which I really like that type of pallet. So I wrote on it, how I would describe myself in a few words. But by using the mono printing it printed backwards, but that is me. A very backwards and unique person so I have written on it 'one of a kind' with a love heart and two kisses at the end.

With these prints I was testing out layering the same picture on top of each other but as a positive and a negative so you get a whole photo but in two parts. These three similar prints are all on a runner (one long piece of material). I really like the three print which look very different, but processed in the same.

I started to apply paint to the prints so that when i wrote on them the writing would show up better as its on patterned material too. I wasn't so keen as the colours of the prints didn't go with the patterned material and then the paint made the print dull and grey, which is me on a glum day but not generally as a person. Also horse riding is my hobby so I enjoy it greatly.

Using this lace or Croatia  to produce a pattern on the plain material it also turned the Croatia the same colour, I found that it made the Croatia more appealing so it wasn't a mistake I saw as an plus.
Then I put my own stamp on to the pink patterned material, by putting a picture of myself on it.
With this sample i used the Croatia and put a screen print of myself on it, then wrote on the opposite side people who I love a lot in my family, thinking they would show through. But wrote on the same side of the prints family and live so I would have a main family showing then lots of little words of everybody in my family. But It didn't work as well as I thought it would. So next time I could try it on a different material.

I wrote all the horses name on pattern material then wrote on backwards 'Love u all' which then came out the right way. But the whole is very messy and could have more techniques done to it now to make it more interesting.
These two samples were both just to get a feel of the screen printing, and different ways I can layer or print them.

This was experimenting with the mono printing a piece of left over material, to get use to the technique, I used a darning needle to do the writing which worked really well, and i didn't need to lean on the material or hold it with my fingers.
this was screen printing over croatia to get the pattern but already printing it on to pattern material which took to the ink really well, which I really like how its how the layer of one pattern then underneath the pattern of the material, and have worked really well together.
This is a photo of the material above.

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