What i need to do:
-Write up my bullet points already written up in rough
- Email to Danielle and Jamie
-What is art essay
-Fill in sketch book.
-Explore memories
-Reflect my pitch
- Contextual Research
-Everything I have done reflect
- Make a list of what I want to do further with memories.
Developing Project Proposal for unit 7
Criteria- Distinction
-"students will demonstrate intellectual curiosity and rigger.
Project Proposal-
-Review -Concept -Evaluation
-skill -enjoy not enjoy
- been doing -going to do - what you've done.
Plan Ideas
- Express Ideas
- Planning Safe
- Lack/ too ambitious
Journal- Diary
-Reflections writing -what works what doesn't -How did you do it, how did you do it? - Diary
-things you off other people, what you took future off advise of tutors
Artist influence you, Were they are? What there doing know, Why are they going to go.
Stage 1- Pre Project Proposal
Stage 2- Developing Ideas
Stage 3- The Pitch
Stage 4- Writing the proposal
Ideas- Why and Whats the ideas the idea how you develop it.
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